Actual services

Private accountant services


Modern economic environment demonstrates that changes in wealth position of families and separate individuals are quite dynamic and multidirectional both on local and global scale. This leads to the development of international and in particular of Russian legislation by introduction of certain obligations and regulations for individuals with respect of assets ownership and capital flows, non-compliance with which may lead to legal restrictions and additional taxes.


Currently the following are the main legislative drivers that oblige individuals - Russian tax residents to revisit the current asset structures:

International trends aimed at limitation of use of offshore jurisdictions as tax havens for holding and managing private asset structures

Implementation of the OECD action plan related to avoidance of base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS action plan)

Development of an automatic cross-border exchange of financial information through such instruments as FATCA and Common Reporting Standards (CRS)

In order to mitigate possible negative consequences, the above-mentioned requires prompt response, development, implementation and maintenance of an effective system of planning, accounting and control over private asset structures.

Private Accounting Services:

Management accounting of all private assets and preparation of consolidated management reporting for stakeholders

Full-scale accounting, tax and legal compliance services for private asset structures

Preparation and submission of necessary tax reporting for private clients in different jurisdictions

Analysis of potential risks of existing private asset structures from tax and legal perspectives

Development of private asset structures using various foreign jurisdictions in order to increase tax efficiency of such structures

Redevelopment of existing private asset structures to minimize potential tax and legal risks

Heritage planning and provision of tax and legal advice on assets inheritance issues

Analysis of potential application of Russian CFC rules to private asset structures and provision of possible legal solutions to mitigate consequences of the applied rules

Managing tax efficiency of holding CFC through setting up irrevocable (discretionary) trusts

Improvement of CFC financial statements in order to increase tax efficiency of using CFC in private asset structures

Private Accounting Services:


Management accounting of all private assets and preparation of consolidated management reporting for stakeholders

Full-scale accounting, tax and legal compliance services for private asset structures

Preparation and submission of necessary tax reporting for private clients in different jurisdictions

Analysis of potential risks of existing private asset structures from tax and legal perspectives

Development of private asset structures using various foreign jurisdictions in order to increase tax efficiency of such structures

Redevelopment of existing private asset structures to minimize potential tax and legal risks

Heritage planning and provision of tax and legal advice on assets inheritance issues

Analysis of potential application of Russian CFC rules to private asset structures and provision of possible legal solutions to mitigate consequences of the applied rules

Managing tax efficiency of holding CFC through setting up irrevocable (discretionary) trusts

Improvement of CFC financial statements in order to increase tax efficiency of using CFC in private asset structures



Alexey Tsibin

Managing Partner

+7 [499] 653 63 03

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